This week's theme

The Gospel of Luke (1). 1 The ministry begins

Today's reading

Luke 5:27 - 6:11

Today's prayer

Lord God, my hearts desire is to have time with you, free from outside pressures, to focus solely on you and to enjoy your presence. Thank you for desiring this time as well.

Fresh From the Word

FfTW 2025

Futher thought 2

For further thought

How can you find time in your weekly rhythm of life to prioritise a Sabbath time with God?

This passage is about an invitation from Jesus. What is his invitation to you? What remarkable things does he want to share with you?

Jesus has authority over illness and evil, as well as our own selves. Where are you submitting to Christs authority in your life? Where are you resisting?

When faced with something Jesus teaches that we dont like, how do we respond? Do we reject it? Or do we embrace it and act on it?

How have I experienced any of these same temptations? Do I believe Jesus can understand and cares about what Im going through during these times?

Jesus knows his sheep and his sheep know his voice. Every sheep that knows and responds to the voice of the shepherd will enjoy the provisions of the shepherd.

God gathered the scattered people of Israel into their own pastures. As a good shepherd, he is still keen to gather his flock into their own pastures.

God will use who you are and what you have learnt for his own glory if you allow him, so do not discount your history.

God cares for his sheep and every time we align our actions with his, we please him. As we care for Gods sheep, he rewards us.

God knows and cares for his children and we can trust him to meet our need according to his will.

God can be pleased with our lives and sacrifices if we live as he desires. He has shown us how to live to please him. Let us therefore follow his will in living for him.

Attempt to start and continue from today to recognise the uniqueness of your fellow pilgrims and celebrate the community.

Attempt to start and continue from today to enter into the divine spiral of prayer and to delight in the loving conversation of the Trinity.

Attempt to start and continue from today to discover the fingerprints of God in every aspect of who you are and what you do.

Attempt to start and continue from today to surrender to this let. Allow the invitation to lay hold of you. Let go and let God.

Attempt to start and continue from today to identify the captivities you choose and those you support and find ways to break free of them.

Attempt to start and continue from today first focusing on the power of your new life in Christ, and then dealing with lifes challenges.

Have you been baptised? What does it mean to you? Thank God for this gift and for its power and promise.

Has anyone you never met invested effort in supporting your well-being and Christian growth? Have you ever had a chance to thank them? Could you?

Do you often think of the Church as the body of Christ? In what ways does this idea make sense to you?

What, do you find, gives people security and steadiness in their Christian living? And what experiences or influences tend to unsettle or undermine faith?

Are there hymns that help you to direct your thoughts clearly and firmly to Jesus? Do they resonate at all with these lines in Colossians?

Have you ever faced arid times, when you did not feel filled with knowledge of Gods will? How would you advise a friend who was going through such a spell?

Are there people who feel let down by you because of broken promises? Ask for grace and wisdom to offer apology without excuse.

Repent of any sin that the Spirit is convicting you of in this moment. Take time to thank God for your forgiveness and his mercy.

How can we encourage others who are finding the way challenging or the costs of following high?

How can you serve those you are called to walk with this year?

What strategies do you have for preventing bitterness growing? What are the steps to forgiveness that we find in Matthew 18?

What happens if we break promises? It can lead to hurt and disappointment, and the loss of credibility. Credibility is like credit that can lead to greater opportunity and the loss of it can cost you future opportunities.

What can you do to prevent making regrettable choices that have far-reaching consequences in the year that lies ahead?

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International Community

The states in which our FfTW notes are used in IBRA Nigeria, include the following states; Lagos, Ogun, Abuja, Kano, Oyum Kaduna, Edo, Ondu Osun and Taraba. The National President Rt Rev Dr Segun Okubadejo

It makes Bible become more relevant to their everyday situation and aiding the development of their spiritual stamina


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This week's writer

Jan is a poet, storyteller and liturgist living on the Isle of Mull, and a member of the dispersed Iona Community. She has been a teacher, a mission partner in Nigeria, an editor for the Methodist Church based in London and Manchester, and warden of the A

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IBRA celebrated 140 years in 2022!

The knowledge and appreciation of the Bible carries on the 140-year-old IBRA tradition of encouraging people around the world. 

Read about our rich history and the origins of our founder Charles Waters, bank manager and Sunday School teacher – not a scholar, preacher, or public speaker – who had a gift for organisation and a vision for making the Bible accessible to all.

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